
Protein powders and meal replacements

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I use protein powder in smoothies, pancakes, muffins and baked goods, and in a few other ways. It seems like there are a million product choices out there so I thought I'd share a few of my favorites. I do not use powders that contain whey (I'm 99% vegan it isn't) or soy (I prefer to get my protein from other sources when possible and it can irritate my stomach in large doses). I choose products that are natural and I avoid overly processed or artificial ingredients.

Here are the products that I like:

Smoothie Infusion: Great in smoothies or for adding to baked goods and pancakes (replace up to 1/3 of the flour in a recipe). Not sweetened.

Shake & Go Smoothie: Great as-is or added to a smoothie. Contains Stevia and is sweet. I've only tried the Tropical and Berry flavors. 

Whole Food Health Optimizer: This is a meal replacement. It is ok as-is but better added to a smoothie. It is sweetened with Stevia. It is expensive but contains tons of good stuff! You can use 1/2 a serving in a smoothie to keep the calories and cost down. I prefer the Natural or Berry flavors.

Sport Performance Protein: This is an excellent recovery drink because it contains all of the essential amino acids which helps with muscle recovery. I like it added to a smoothie but you can drink it as-is. It is sweetened with Stevia.   

Garden of Life:
Raw Protein: This is good for adding to smoothies. It has very little flavor and blends well. It is raw, vegan, organic, and loaded with good stuff!

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