I made granola today for us to have for breakfast this week and got a few requests for the recipe. This is less of a recipe and more of a formula. In other words, feel free to add or take out ingredients to your liking! Whole Grain Granola With Dried Cherries and Cacao Nibs 3 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed...
Recently I received a wonderful surprise in the mail... The Mohawk Valley Trading Company sent me an assortment of their products to review! Here are the things that I had the opportunity to try: Soaps: Lavender Goats Milk Soap and Olive Oil Castile Soap My skin is very dry in the winter but these handmade soaps are really gentle- I loved them! From their...
A fall photo series: Each day during the month of November I will be posting something that I am thankful for along with a photo or two. I invite you to join me by posting a link to your blog, Instagram, or Facebook page in the comments. Day 17: Fire in the fireplace, freshly bathed dog sleeping nearby, dinner from the crockpot (a modified version...
I am planning for a small gathering on Thanksgiving this year. It doesn’t need to be fancy but I would love to try some new recipes. I’m craving something “en croute” as a main course and maybe a dessert covered in caramel! I sometimes use Pinterest for meal planning and decided to create a board for Thanksgiving this year. I do have a few favorites that usually find...
I read an article a little while back that claimed that there are two kinds of people: those that thrive on variety and crave novelty, and those that prefer the predictability and comfort of the same routine day after day. While I tend to get bored very easily, I do stick to routines for the more practical parts of life. Like grocery shopping,...
Yesterday morning, just before the sun came up, we had a mini storm. It was just a little rain. Just a little thunder and lightening. Just enough to make everything smell fresh for just a little while. I knew it wouldn't last and I knew that it would still be 90+ degrees later on, but I was still tempted to put on a...
I am a regular contributor to Yogamint.com and have a couple of new recipes on the site to share with you. These are both delicious and comforting winter foods - enjoy! Creamy Cauliflower Gratin This creamy (and surprisingly vegan!) gratin is great as a main course or can be served as a side dish. Tangerine Breakfast Cake Despite being low in fat and...
I made these muffins last month for a bake sale at my son's school. They are quintessential fall treats- spiced, mapley, apple or pear-filled awesomeness...and they will make your house smell amazing when they are baking! Can you tell that is a big thing for me? Smelling things? Yes, I'm crazy...but, if you like to cook, I bet you are quirky too. xoxo...
The colors of fall are appearing all over the place where I live. I absolutely love running at sunrise this time of year! The light is golden and it shines through the leaves of red, gold, orange, and brown that line the streets of my neighborhood. Simple beauty first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day! I love...
I am relieved to say that I finished my second half marathon on Sunday! I was so nervous before the race! All geared-up and trying not to freak out: The finisher's tee is so...YELLOW! Finisher's necklace by Tiffany: NWM = Nike Women's Marathon. The back of the necklace says "I run to be." with room for engraving so that we can add our...