
The Winter Project: Week 6

Happy New Year!  Did you make any resolutions for 2014? I am all about simplifying my life by getting our home organized this year. We have closets to purge, digital photos to sort, and all things in between. When my home is neat, my brain feels it too. How about last week’s challenge- did you find a little more movement? Start anything new?...

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Thankful: Day 28

A fall photo series: Each day during the month of November I will be posting something that I am thankful for along with a photo or two. I invite you to join me by posting a link to your blog, Instagram, or Facebook page in the comments. Day 28: The way the sun was shining and the sky was so blue, our slow-paced walk to...

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Miso soup with soba noodles

I posted a picture of this miso soup on Instagram today and drove all of my friends and family crazy because I didn't share the recipe along with it. So, before I get any hate mail, here it is! The miso and shiitake mushrooms are good for fighting off the sniffles that seem to be everywhere right now. Enjoy! Miso Soup With Soba...

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Individual braised tempeh Wellingtons

I know I promised you guys this recipe awhile ago and I know that fancy holiday meals have passed, however, this is a keeper! One of my very favorite restaurants recently went out of business. I was so sad to hear that I would no longer be able to go there but I was happy to know that, in the midst of things...

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Quick and easy veggie rice bowl

A couple of weeks ago I promised to post a recipe for a veggie rice bowl. This recipe comes together fairly quickly and tastes great- the fresh ginger is a highlight. Enjoy! Quick and Easy Veggie Rice Bowl Makes 2-3 generous servings Olive oil 1/2 package (8 ounces) firm tofu (not silken), cubed Teriyaki sauce (I like Trader Joe's "Island Soyaki") 4 ounces...

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A gratin and a breakfast cake

I am a regular contributor to Yogamint.com and have a couple of new recipes on the site to share with you. These are both delicious and comforting winter foods - enjoy! Creamy Cauliflower Gratin This creamy (and surprisingly vegan!) gratin is great as a main course or can be served as a side dish. Tangerine Breakfast Cake Despite being low in fat and...

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Trading cake for kale salad with roasted walnut dressing

We have been doing a lot of celebrating at our house. From the holidays straight into some family festivities, including an anniversary and a birthday. Much cake has been consumed. Like a lot of cake. I cannot resist cake. Can. Not. At times like this I start to get a little antsy in the back of my mind. I start making lists titled...

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Spicy noodle soup and a giveaway!

This spicy soup is exactly what I crave in between the fall and winter holidays. The heat is just enough to fight off the cold of a winter night and the noodles make for a nourishing and healthy comfort food. Love! The soup began as this green curry broth recipe from 101 Cookbooks. I made a few small changes to the recipe:  added shiitake...

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Family Thanksgiving deep down goodness

I realize that I'm a bit behind with my Thanksgiving recap here, but my week was about so much more than food and I want to share the highlights from all the deep down good stuff! My husband and kids were off of work and school all last week. Since we were hosting Thanksgiving at our house with family due to arrive on...

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Simple crockpot enchiladas

I'm on a big crockpot kick lately. I am loving the convenience of it and the way that it fills my kitchen with yummy dinner smells! The other day I actually had the bread machine and the crockpot going at the same time- I think I might win some sort of domestic award for that, right? When I was searching online for dinner...

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Butternut squash (or pumpkin) chili

I have been having stomach and other issues related to the acid in some foods lately. One of the worst triggers for me has been cooked tomatoes, so I temporarily took a break from them and a few other things to get my stomach back on track. I was actually planning to add tomatoes to this chili but completely forgot and, you know...

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Savory, sweet, and smoky veggie burger

I know, I know a veggie burger recipe on a vegetarian blog...boring, right? No! I'll admit that I don't really care for most commercial veggie burgers. Many of them have a paragraph of ingredients and only a few brands actually taste decent to me. I definitely prefer a homemade burger, especially if it is made with nuts. (Incidentally, if you find yourself anywhere...

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Bulgar taco salad with cilantro lime dressing

I have really been on a bulgar wheat kick lately! I love the hearty texture and versatility of it. It can be savory or sweet, which makes it great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This salad is one of my favorite combinations of flavors and it is a healthy source of protein, iron, and fiber. Bulgar Taco Salad w/ Cilantro Lime Dressing Salad:...

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Running fuel: Protein-rich tofu salad sandwiches

I have been doing a lot of running lately! I am running about four times a week and gradually ramping up the milage because I am training for a half marathon (13.1 miles) that I will run in October. Along with more miles, I am also increasing the amount of protein that I am eating to support the extra work that my muscles...

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Pasta and veggies to go and a bear encounter!

Hello! I have been off the grid, so to speak, for a little while on a family camping trip. We went up to Lake Tahoe for a few days to enjoy cooler temps and fresh air. It is always so much work to prepare for a camping trip (and so much laundry when we get home), but it is always worth it. Blue...

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Simplicity and soft homemade vegan sandwich bread

I have been craving simplicity lately. More than usual, really. For me, this is a very predictable part of my life's rhythm. It is a cycle in which I pile way too many things onto the shoulders of my days. There are so many things that I want to read and write and photograph and see. New music to hear, new trails to...

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Spring (summer) cleaning

I'm a little bit late, but I think the "spring cleaning" bug might finally be kicking in for me. We have plans to go through our stuff (mainly toys- our little people are taking over the house!); but other things too. We have too much stuff and I feel suffocated by it. It is time to purge. In the spirit of using up...

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Summer bucket-listing and a grilled veggie meal

This morning I dropped my kids off at preschool and slowly made my way into my morning. I made the trek across town to my favorite hole-in-the-wall coffee shop. A place where people gather and lounge. Where the music is just a little bit cooler than me and where the coffee is French-pressed and the tea is loose-leaf and served in cast iron...

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June-uary crockpot polenta lasagna

The weather here has been looking more like January than June. In the spirit of comfort food, I came up with this crockpot version of a vegan polenta lasagna. It is healthy and delicious and I think that trying this recipe with different veggies would be good too. This recipe was inspired by Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. Polenta* 4 cups water 1 cup...

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Spicy noodles with asparagus and broccoli

It really feels like spring this week. It is in the 70s here (80s tomorrow!). The kids are playing in the backyard without shirts or shoes. The birds are happily tweeting away in the freshly-greened trees. There is a breeze blowing that softly reminds me that winter still has a tiny hold, but the air smells like summer. While I should be gathering...

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