I posted a picture of this miso soup on Instagram today and drove all of my friends and family crazy because I didn't share the recipe along with it. So, before I get any hate mail, here it is! The miso and shiitake mushrooms are good for fighting off the sniffles that seem to be everywhere right now. Enjoy! Miso Soup With Soba...
Yesterday morning, just before the sun came up, we had a mini storm. It was just a little rain. Just a little thunder and lightening. Just enough to make everything smell fresh for just a little while. I knew it wouldn't last and I knew that it would still be 90+ degrees later on, but I was still tempted to put on a...
A couple of weeks ago I promised to post a recipe for a veggie rice bowl. This recipe comes together fairly quickly and tastes great- the fresh ginger is a highlight. Enjoy! Quick and Easy Veggie Rice Bowl Makes 2-3 generous servings Olive oil 1/2 package (8 ounces) firm tofu (not silken), cubed Teriyaki sauce (I like Trader Joe's "Island Soyaki") 4 ounces...
This spicy soup is exactly what I crave in between the fall and winter holidays. The heat is just enough to fight off the cold of a winter night and the noodles make for a nourishing and healthy comfort food. Love! The soup began as this green curry broth recipe from 101 Cookbooks. I made a few small changes to the recipe: added shiitake...
I have been having stomach and other issues related to the acid in some foods lately. One of the worst triggers for me has been cooked tomatoes, so I temporarily took a break from them and a few other things to get my stomach back on track. I was actually planning to add tomatoes to this chili but completely forgot and, you know...
I know, I know a veggie burger recipe on a vegetarian blog...boring, right? No! I'll admit that I don't really care for most commercial veggie burgers. Many of them have a paragraph of ingredients and only a few brands actually taste decent to me. I definitely prefer a homemade burger, especially if it is made with nuts. (Incidentally, if you find yourself anywhere...
I have really been on a bulgar wheat kick lately! I love the hearty texture and versatility of it. It can be savory or sweet, which makes it great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This salad is one of my favorite combinations of flavors and it is a healthy source of protein, iron, and fiber. Bulgar Taco Salad w/ Cilantro Lime Dressing Salad:...
I have been doing a lot of running lately! I am running about four times a week and gradually ramping up the milage because I am training for a half marathon (13.1 miles) that I will run in October. Along with more miles, I am also increasing the amount of protein that I am eating to support the extra work that my muscles...
I realize that it has been a little while since I posted a recipe. It isn't that I'm holding out on you guys! It is simply that I'm in somewhat of an uninspired patch with food at the moment. I'm spending my mental cycles on clearing out my chattery brain by means of nature hikes and yoga instead of daydreaming about cookie dough...
Getting ready to go on vacation is never really easy. Packing always takes significantly longer than I ever imagine that it will. For our latest adventure, we traveled by airplane (yes, another trip right after our California RV adventure!) and that makes all of the preparing and packing and whatnot just that much harder. I can never find decent food in an airport...
It really feels like spring this week. It is in the 70s here (80s tomorrow!). The kids are playing in the backyard without shirts or shoes. The birds are happily tweeting away in the freshly-greened trees. There is a breeze blowing that softly reminds me that winter still has a tiny hold, but the air smells like summer. While I should be gathering...
My last couple of CSA boxes have contained different kinds of cabbage and, while I like cabbage, I don't eat it as often as I do other things. With a small Savoy cabbage threatening to go south in my fridge, I decided to throw together some soup. This was one of those "something-out-of-nothing" kind of nights for dinner because I didn't have much...
For our "Traditional Non-Traditional" Christmas tacos, I started with dry pinto beans. I love the way that they taste when they have been slowly simmered with a few flavorful ingredients. Below is my recipe. You can use these beans in tacos, salads, quesadillas, burritos, and more. They are versatile and provide a healthy dose of protein, iron, folic acid, manganese, and fiber. Taco...
Every year for Christmas dinner we have our "Traditional Non-Tranditional" meal. In the past we have had lasagna, crepes, tacos, or raviolis. This year our gathering will be small but cozy. I'm planning a Mexican theme and this tortilla soup was a great warm-up. This spicy soup is the perfect meal for a cold winter night and, while you're making it, your kitchen...
Maybe it is our broken heater or maybe it is Thanksgiving leftover burnout, but our meals have taken a spicy turn this week. We've had Thai spicy green beans with tofu and curried red lentils. I received my CSA box this morning and I fully expect to be creating a meal or two that involves chiles and other belly-warming things. These curried lentils...
I have a new favorite thing- cashew cheese! I was looking for a way to create a creamy topping for a dessert pizza when I stumbled on this recipe for cashew cheese. She is right when she said that "instant gratification it is not" (I actually soaked my cashews for two days and then let the "cheese" sit overnight at room temp). This...
One of my all-time favorite meals is grilled pizza. If you've never grilled pizza at home, you're in for a treat! I do not have any special pizza-making equipment, so this pizza can be made on a gas (or charcoal) grill without a pizza stone. This recipe is vegan if you omit the cheese or use a vegan cheese alternative (I used Follow...
Earlier this week I had a few veggies left over from our camping trip but not much else in the fridge. I decided to throw together some quick homemade veggie burgers for dinner (I used mostly carrots, peppers, and broccoli and loosely followed this recipe). The leftover burgers make for great lunches! Instead of a bun, I smash avocado on top of the...
Last week, my husband and I took our kids tent camping in Lake Tahoe. This might sound like a crazy idea, considering that both of our kids are under five years old, but it was great! The weather was perfect and, with a little planning, we were able to eat well and have fun. The kids, of course, got really, REALLY dirty... ...but...
I was really craving something different for lunch today and I had some farmers' market and CSA veggies to use up too. I decided to make some zucchini pancakes but, when I looked around online for a recipe, I couldn't really find anything that seemed like what I wanted. I made this recipe up as I pulled things out of the refrigerator and...